Nintendo Switch: Joy-Con Shells & Buttons

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, more and more folks have been ordered to stay indoors for an indefinite amount of time, imposing a social barrier and setting forth the challenge to maintain a tough balance of both psychological and physical well-being. As humans, we need to keep ourselves entertained to prevent our mental states from depreciating, whether it be binge-watching the entire Netflix archives or fighting waves of distressed living-room gamers for the so very limited stock of Nintendo Switch consoles. If you happened to be lucky (or desperate) enough to score a Nintendo Switch in the past few months, you may have come to form the same opinion on the stock Joy-Con and console shells as I have; they aren’t very pretty. Luckily there is an overwhelmingly large market of third-party vendors that believe we as consumers should be able to express ourselves with our new toys, be it custom shells, buttons, skins, etc. The process of swapping shells is fairly simple but can take a bit of time if you don’t already know what connects where, or have a guide to reference: so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to take pictures along the way to share with you. I have also provided links to the shells, buttons, and iFixit kit I used.

iFixit Tool Kit

JZ_Scarlet Red


Disclaimer: I am not liable for any damage or performance degradation resulting from the use of software or procedures covered in TobeJex guides.

You may have noticed when you went to test out your Joy-Cons that the Shells and Buttons are still the same color as they used to be on your Switch. Fear not, for there is another guide to help you program your Joy-Cons to reflect the correct colors on your switch, the link to that guide is listed below:

Nintendo Switch: Joy-Con ToolKit Color Tweaking

Thank you for your time, and if you liked this guide please consider sharing it with someone who can benefit from it!


Nintendo Switch: Joy-Con ToolKit Color Tweaking